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  • dvmelite1

Possible Symptoms of Epilepsy in Topaz Gerbils

Epilepsy can occur in 20 to 40% of gerbils of all breeds including Topaz gerbils. Your vet can tell you that most seizures occurring in gerbils are not fatal and do not typically have lasting effects. If you own a Topaz or other type of gerbil, talk to your vet about epileptic seizures and what symptoms to look for. In general, signs of epilepsy may occur around the time your gerbil reaches puberty (i.e. 2 to 3 months of age). The frequency and severity of the seizures will generally subside around six months of age. Mild episodes may involve trance like behavior and excessive twitching of the ears and whiskers. Severe epileptic episodes may involve convulsions, stiffening muscles and even jerking of the body. If possible, try moving your gerbil away from anything that may cause him harm during a seizure. If your gerbil is having any of these symptoms call your professional veterinary clinic Virginia Beach VA.

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