Have you noticed your Airedale Terrier or other canine having sudden seizing or convulsing episodes? If so, please call your vet immediately. Canine epilepsy is a brain disorder that can cause your dog to have sudden, uncontrollable seizures. Many experts believe the seizures occur due to a confusion of neuron firings in the cerebrum of the brain. The cause for the confusion is unknown. Suggested causes for the seizures; however, may include congenital defects, diabetes, hypoglycemia, low oxygen levels in the blood, kidney disorders, liver disorders, infections, brain tumors, toxins, fevers, hyperthermia, trauma, medications, or idiopathic epilepsy (genetic disorder). Although the triggers for a seizure are not known, it is believed that dogs at risk are more prone to seizures when they are excited. Some dogs; however, may have seizures in their sleep. If your dog has any of the conditions listed above and has suffered from recent seizures, click here, or call your vet Murrieta, CA.