Humans may feel that exercise is a chore. But for your dog, it is very enjoyable. Whether going for a long walk or just playing fetch, dogs will want to involve themselves in various physical exercise forms. Knowing this, try transforming your pet’s favorite activity into some form of everyday exercise.
If high levels of daily exercise are not something that your dog is used to, it may be better to start with something gradual and consistent. Even just a twenty-minute exercise regimen done a few times a week can be something good to start with. Check your dog periodically so that you will know if he wants to stop as you want to avoid overexertion. One other thing to try is dividing the twenty-minute exercise session into three shorter sessions. As your pet gets accustomed to an exercise level of this intensity, you can increase the time intervals eventually making it to the target twenty-minute exercise time twice a day.
Make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Thorold, ON if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.