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Pet Rats Can Suffer From Heat Stroke And Dehydration


For a rat, an environment that is over 25 ° c can be uncomfortable, which can result in issues including sunstroke and fluid loss. Keep a close watch on your rats if it's really hot outdoors for any indications of excessive heat including drowsiness, an unwillingness to walk around, an increase in normal intake of fluids, and a loss of appetite. Important indicators of heat stress in pet rats include panting and tail and ears being warm to the touch.

The rat's lack of movement and lying down with his mouth wide open may indicate that heatstroke may have developed. Drool or a gooey discharge could also be coming from his mouth.

Keep your pet in a cooler area of the house to prevent heat discomfort. In addition, add ice to his water and cover the cage with damp towels. As they tend to drink more water every time they are overheated, make sure you periodically replace the supply. For further useful suggestions, you can also contact your local animal hospital.

Your vet Wichita KS can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.


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