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Pet Health - Pet Threats Found In Your Garden


The garden is a nice place for pets to roam around in, but it can also be a risky area where harmful materials such as fertilizers and insecticides are found. For instance, many people put rat bait in their gardens and lawns to prevent rodent infestation, and this can be just one of many potential causes of pet poisoning. Hazardous products such as these should be stored properly, and you should always follow instructions found in the product's packaging.

Insecticides have serious toxicity levels so precautionary measures should always be observed. Pets dogs get exposed to insecticides in various ways: chewing pellets, digging up the soil, or even playing with ant or termite mounds that have been treated with pest-related chemicals. Aside from rat baits, pesticides, and insecticides, snail pellets are highly toxic to pets, so pet owners should be wary when putting them on their gardens.

If you suspect that your pet has been poisoned (with or without symptoms), you must bring your pet to the nearest animal clinic Portland, OR immediately.

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