A lot of pet cats are offered meals through feeding bowls located around the same spot every day. This means cats do not have to exert much effort for a full stomach. They no longer have to hunt for food. The hunting activity does involve both physical and mental exertion for the animal. It is a problem-solving activity. Cats need to solve the problem of looking for prey and then capturing it successfully, and only then can they start eating.
With mental stimulation and interaction with their environment both lacking, cats could experience boredom, paving the way for anxiety or apathy. This then could allow problematic behaviors to develop. If your pet cat has to walk a bit to get to her feeding bowl, it is possible the calories she expends are less than the calories taken in. This results in her gaining extra weight.
Because of this, pet cats may have to be encouraged to use their hunting instincts during feeding times to exercise their physical and mental faculties. Try feeding your pet some of her meals using puzzle feeders (sometimes called food puzzles). These devices hold food inside, but your pet has to manipulate them in various ways so that the food will get released. Puzzle feeders should help boost the physical and mental exertion of pets when eating, as well as make the meal last a bit longer.
Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your pet clinic Cy-Fair during your pet's health and wellness checks.