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Personalities Of Hairless Cats


Hairless felines have pleasant and friendly temperaments. They love humans and engaging with them frequently. Most hairless cat owners, who come home from a day of work, find themselves approached by their feline - pleading for attention and talking animatedly.

They are also very playful and intelligent. This indicates that if you want to adopt these unique felines you need to provide enough area for them to be active and play around. Prepare some toys for them to play around with, instead of letting their curiosity reach its peak with unfortunate consequences - discovering something that isn't a toy to play with.

Here is another fascinating, but not unexpected, quirk of these hairless cats. They love to sleep beneath the blankets with their owners since they must be cold most of the time with very sparse fur on their bodies.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Scottsdale, AZ for proper medical attention. Visit this website for more information.


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