If you’re worried about your Siberian cat’s weight, please call your vet to talk about this. Your vet can help you determine if your Siberian is overweight or not. Typically, if you can feel your cat’s ribs under the skin then weight is most likely normal. If you can only feel ribs and not much skin then the cat may be underweight. If you can’t feel the ribs because of too much skin then your cat could be overweight. Siberian females can weigh between 12 and 15 pounds while Siberian males can weigh between 15 and 20 pounds although some have weighed as much as 25 pounds. Your vet can tell you what the ideal weight is for your particular Siberian. You can also review with your vet what your feed your Siberian and how much exercise your cat is getting. To learn more about your cat’s healthy weight, click to contact your animal hospital Flat Rock, NC.