It is extremely important for pet dogs to have a balanced, complete, as well as lifestage-fit diet. The last part, "lifestage-fit" diet, is equally important because each lifestage of a dog has its own unique needs in terms of the quantity of protein, fats, carbohydrates, oils, vitamins, as well as minerals. Dogs would also need adequate water because it's also extremely important. In fact, did you know that the total weight of a dog is about 60 percent made up of water? All these have key, specific physiological functions in a dog's body, which also includes a dog's growth as well as development.
More and more vets as well as pet owners nowadays are airing their concerns about artificial ingredients that are present in pet foods. These artificial ingredients could have a negative and disastrous impact on every dog's health and well being. Because of this issue, many pet owners are switching to natural dog foods.
Do consult your vet Wichita, KS before making any changes to your pet’s diet.