Dogs develop acral lick or lick granuloma due to excessive licking that irritates their skin. The lesion/s is usually found in the area between the leg and foot. Chronic licking and chewing on this part of the body eventually cause irritation and the development of a lick granuloma.
Because of its psychological or psychogenic origin, it is difficult to get rid of it. An intervention that has been shown to keep the behavior under control is to keep the dog busy and occupied with lots of physical and mental stimulation. Severe cases may need medical treatment.
However, if your pet dog is showing mild symptoms, there are non-medical therapy measures that can help control acral lick. These include the following:
● Create opportunities that will encourage your dog to engage in more physical activities. This will keep your pet dog busy and away from boredom.
● Provide activities with lots of physical and mental stimulation.
● Spend more time with your pet dog. Dogs left alone for long periods tend to engage in over-grooming.
● If you have observed that your pet dog is engaged in this behavior, seek professional help from your experienced vets Scottsdale AZ immediately.