Are you currently looking for a litter box for your pet? The first thing you should remember is that it should be big enough for your pet to move, turn around, and do small movements before eliminating. Ideally, the litter box should be about 1 ½ more than the entire length of the cat. However, most litter boxes in the market are not big enough.
If you want to design your litter box, you can use a concrete mixing tray or storage container as an alternative. You can even reduce the entrance of the litter box. Doing so will make it easy for the older cats. But when you cut the litter box, make sure that there will be no sharp edges. You can also add a cover to the litter box if your cat is the shy type.
Cats seem to like unscented clumping litters, so you could get this for your litter box. This kind is also easy to clean. You can also opt for the sand or soil litter type because this is similar to what cats use in the wild. Try to avoid the litter type with sharp edges because these can hurt the paws of older cats.
Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary clinic Westminster, MD for proper medical attention.