Would you be able to afford a pet cat? You may have figured out a complete list of things to buy and thought hard about how ready you are, but cat ownership expenses could creep up and surprise you. Up-front expenses could reach hundreds, and there are estimates that say cat owners might have to shell out around $1,000 yearly. And this is just if the cat is healthy. It is fortunate that cat owners on a budget could save on recurring and one-time costs by just following the tips below.
Cat owners could save starting from the first day by going to logical adoption centers or animal shelters. Yes, fees might be charged, but these are typically lower than outright purchasing a cat. These fees also help out the shelter in continuing their important work, perhaps covering important things such as pest prevention and vaccinations. To top it all off, aside from just saving money, it often means literally saving the life of a cat.
Your professional veterinarian Washington DC is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior