Are you thinking about adopting a bunny? Rabbits are super cute and charming little pets. They are also very soft. But is that fur hard to deal with?
There's both good news and bad news when it comes to shedding. The good news? Rabbits don't shed continually, as dogs and cats do. Most of the time, your pet won't leave fur behind at all. The bad news? When rabbits do shed, they go all in. Bunnies basically blow their whole coats out at once. This is called molting, and it happens a few times a year. When your pet is molting, there will be fur everywhere.
Molting can be dangerous for rabbits. They can't expel ingested fur in hairball form, and they can't properly digest it. This can result in intestinal obstructions, which can be life-threatening. You'll need to brush your bunny regularly at these times. You may also need to offer her hairball preventatives.
Ask your veterinary clinic Louisville, KY for specific advice on helping your pet bunny get through her molts safely. Set an appointment here: https://evergreenanimalhospital.com/.