There are 3 major types of parasitic mites that infest on rabbits. They are microscopic spider-like parasites with four pairs of legs. Ear mites (Psoroptes cuniculi) Rabbits affected by ear mites often shake their heads and scratch at t heir ears. Within their ears, there may be crusty matter as well as ulcerations that are itchy and painful. Ear mites can easily be transferred between rabbits, so if there are several bunnies in your household, all needs to be treated even if only one has been found to be infested. Fur mites (Cheyletiella parasitovorax) Also called ‘walking dandruff’, these mites cause the buildup of dandruff making the skin appear flaky. This commonly occurs along the back of the rabbit, particularly between the animal’s shoulder blades. Harvest mites (Neotrombicula autumnalis) Also known as ‘chiggers’, these are seasonal mites with infestations seen mainly during autumn, thus their name. Pet rabbits that are spend time outdoors can pick up the parasite. The larval stage of harvest mites are actually the ones that infest rabbits. They appear as small reddish or orange dots clustering around the rabbits, head, ears, belly, or paws. Talk to you vets Columbia MD about the best way to protect your pet rabbit/s from mites.