Inappropriate urination, such as bed peeing, is a problem in dogs that are usually addressed by proper training. However, if the issue persists, inappropriate peeing could be a sign of an underlying health problem. Usually, dogs that have urinary tract infection lose bladder control and experience constant dribbling of urine. They also either have the sudden urge to urinate or may have difficulty passing urine. Dogs that have diabetes are prone to having urinary tract infection because of the increased thirst and urination. Other medical reasons for inappropriate urination could be the presence of bladder stones, cancer, or prostate problems. Senior dogs also tend to urinate inappropriately because of the decline in their cognitive ability. Symptoms such as the increased or decreased volume of urine, blood in urine, foul-smelling urine, and increased or decreased urination frequency are usually present. If these symptoms become evident, do not hesitate to bring your dog to the local vet Thorold, ON for proper diagnosis and treatment.