It’s easy to get annoyed when your cat sinks her claws into your lap to knead you. Resist punishing or yelling at your cat for kneading since this behavior is instinctual and all about showing you love. Your cat kneaded her mother to stimulate milk while she was nursing. Your cat kneads you to transfer this nurturing role to you. And your cat marks you as her own when she kneads using scent from glands in her feet. Trim your cat’s nails often to keep her weapons short so that they do less damage. Don’t be afraid to slip a lap blanket or small pillow between your cat’s nails and your lap so the kneading doesn’t hurt. Cuddle with your cat when she kneads you and enjoy the ubiquitous purring. Ensure other family members know more about your cat’s kneading. For more information, contact your veterinary clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL. Or click this link: https://www.sarasotaanimalmedical.com/