Around half of the cats kept as pets today are reported as obese. Therefore, considerations must be taken not only as to what cat owners feed their pets, but also how the pets are fed. In an ideal world, you want your cat fed several smaller meals throughout the day because this pattern is similar to how she would eat naturally. Allow the cat time to ‘consume’ the meal as she would a small prey animal, instead of dumping the daily ration into her feeding bowl.
Through a feeding pattern like this, boredom is avoided because the cat will have to ‘work’ for her food, a food acquisition method appropriate for her species. The following are some suggestions on how to do this:
Feed your pet the right quantity by following the food product directions, at the same time considering your pet’s activity levels and her lifestyle. Be sure to weigh out the food you serve her.
Try subdividing your cat’s daily food ration into 5 small meals offered throughout the day. This copies a cat’s natural feeding patterns, helping her avoid eating too much. Begging habits are prevented as well since food is available throughout the day. In multi-cat homes, it helps avoid competition between pets. You can try using timed feeder appliances to ensure your pet gets her meals during the appointed times.
Try hiding dry-type cat food in various spots around your home. This stimulates your cat mentally and pushes her to exercise, at least, more so compared to just sauntering over to her feeding bowl.
Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your pet clinic Ellicott City, MD.