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Living A Sedentary Life Could Make Your Cat Obese

As cats got domesticated, it meant that they did not have to search farther for food since they have learned that their human companions will be fulfilling their food requirements. Without this requisite to do much of anything, the domesticated cat would then spend most of her days just taking naps and lounging around. Therefore, if the human companions do not make as much effort in enriching their cats’ in-home environment, then opportunities to “legally” burn all that energy will not be available.

Quite a number of feline obesity cases are because of an increase in calorie intake but without any corresponding physical activities. It is very unlikely for feline obesity to be the result of another health issue. While calorie intake can be monitored and controlled, giving your cat ample opportunities to be physically active could pose a challenge. Check with your animal hospital Crown Point, IN to know more regarding your cat’s exercise requirements.

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