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  • dvmelite1

Limping In Dogs

Limping in dogs is an important sign that there is something wrong. It is something to keep an eye out for. When your pet’s mobility is compromised, it’s a red flag that something is wrong and need prompt veterinary attention. Take note that dogs instinctively try their best to conceal any signs of pain; it’s something that they have inherited from their wild ancestors. Like people, dogs vary in their pain threshold. Another important thing to remember when dogs limp is that it is NOT an attention-seeking behavior. Dogs are not so dramatic as to fake injury just to get their owners’ attention. A myth that many dog owners believe about limping in dogs is that if a limping dog can still run when prompted, it is not really “that injured”. Take note that the desire to run is a canine instinct. When they run, a flood of endorphins and adrenaline is released and they can temporarily block out whatever pain the dog is feeling.   


If your dog is limping or showing mobility problems, you should bring him to your animal hospital Plano, TX for a thorough checkup sooner rather than later.  

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