Cats, like dogs, can come in different sizes. There are super small and tiny cats, medium sized cats, large cats and extremely large cats. The current largest cat in the world is a adult male liger named Hercules. A liger is a lion and tigress hybrid breed. Although this is not your average house cat, a liger is still classified in the cat family. Hercules lives at the Myrtle Beach Safari wildlife preserve in South Carolina. He’s 131 inches long, 49 inches high and weighs around 920 pounds. Ligers do not actually exist in the wild as they are a hybrid breed. They can grow to be twice the size of their parents and weigh nearly 100 times more than the average domestic house cat. Ludo, a Maine Coon cat, is currently the largest domestic cat weighing 37 pounds and measuring 4ft in length. Learn more from your vet Davie, FL.