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Kelp Supplement Products For Pet Dogs


Seaweed may seem like an unusual ingredient that has a lot of advantages for both canine and human health. A lot of dogs will probably eat almost anything, so having your pet consume sea kelp as a component of his diet might not even be an issue.

Kelp is one kind of seaweed that is commonly found in the US. It is even farmed around the New England and Pacific Northwest areas.

Sea kelp has low-calorie content and is packed with important nutrients and vitamins. Sea kelp also has antioxidants and offers great benefits to dogs and humans.

If you include a sea kelp component to your pet's diet and perhaps even your own, it will offer health benefits such as improved dental health and even provide minerals, vitamins, and various nutrients. These all promote your dog’s longevity, health, and happiness.

Do consult your veterinarian Chesapeake, VA before giving any supplements to your pet. Read more here.



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