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Keeping Your Pet Safe During Very Cold Weather

The risks and chances of your pet developing certain conditions are high during winter. Make sure that you keep your eyes on him at all times. Using a leash will also help to manage him more. A leash will prevent him from running toward places where there are a lot of harmful chemicals. If your pet is already old, be more attentive and alert. He might fall or slip now and then. Be sure that you are there to assist him when this happens. Here are other things that you can do to ensure your pet’s safety:

· Beware of antifreeze – Antifreeze chemicals are everywhere during winter. They keep engines running despite the freezing temperature. Although these chemicals are helpful for humans, they are harmful to pets. It has a sweet scent that can entice your pet to have a sip. Ensure that there is no antifreeze scattered around the garage that your pet can access. It can also be found along the road so keep your eyes on whatever your pet licks as you walk.

· Stay indoors – If there is no need to go out, avoid going out. Pets are also sensitive to cold temperatures, especially those with short fur coats. You can always do the things you do outside inside your home.

Contact your veterinary clinic Chesapeake, VA immediately if your pet shows signs of hypothermia. Click here to know more.

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