Senior cats need to undergo regular medical check-ups as their aging bodies deal with the effects of the wear and tear of the years. As they age, the need for extensive health check-ups is a requirement to diagnose and monitor several health issues that can exist.
Cats who are in their twilight years can develop different issues like gum problems, poor skin, obesity, hair coat issues, arthritis, muscle mass, joint pains, and digestive problems. Owners must also help their senior cats boost their immune system to help fight off infections and sickness.
Aside from regular visits to the veterinarian, senior cats will also require a consistent routine. Cats may experience a huge amount of stress when their daily routine has some drastic changes. If there is a need for change, try implementing it more gradually so that your furry friend will easily adapt to it.
If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your pet clinic Marietta, GA.