Your cats' wellbeing should have a safe environment for them to live in, and it only benefits both of you if you create a comfortable place for them to stay. Below are some ways for you to be able to provide a haven for your cats:
●There are various types of calming products available in the market for your cats. One can be used to spread in the air via a diffuser. Another is chewable supplements that have natural stress-relieving chemicals. Cats can also smell the aerosols diffused in the air because of their sensitive senses. Most of those products are mixed with ingredients that are clinically proven to reduce their stress.
●If there are many cats in your house, keep in mind to provide them with enough food and water, sleeping spaces, cat trees, and also litter boxes. Do your best to give them equal mental and physical stimulation.
If you have any concerns with your pet’s health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your animal clinic Bend, OR