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Interesting Rabbit Behaviors

As prey animals, rabbits are generally calm and quiet creatures. It’s survival for them not to attract so much attention, despite the serene behavior that most people are acquainted with as pets, you can get to know their other quirks and personalities aside from their silent persona. Here are some cute behaviors you may have noticed with your pet bunnies:

The Art of Binkying

Don’t be fooled by their quiet disposition to people who are new to owning a rabbit, these critters are performers when it comes to expressing their joyfulness and elation. They like to leap around and dance! It’s quite a sight to see - rabbits will kick, bounce, twist or contort their whole bodies in excitement. Sometimes they do a head start which then leads to binkying or it’s an out-of-the-blue, unexpected burst of the binky. The fun part is when multiple bunnies get the binkies in succession! It turns into an acrobatic show with bunnies leaping and dancing here and there. So, think again when someone says rabbits are boring pets, I’ll bet they have never seen a bunny do a binky before.

Bunny Flopping

When rabbits feel content or relaxed, they do a flop. Bunnies may build up to it by turning their heads from side to side a few times before completely rolling themselves on their side in delight - And that’s a flop!

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Louisville, KY. Visit their website to know more about their services.


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