Have you ever heard of Hypothyroidism? If so, did you know that it can also occur in animals like cats and dogs? Hypothyroidism is a disease or illness that can occur in a dog when the dogs T4 and T3 hormones aren’t produced correctly or at all by the thyroid gland. This is usually because of an underactive thyroid. Naturally, the thyroid should produce these hormones and help keep the body’s metabolism leveled off. If this isn’t happening then your dog may show signs of lethargy, weakness, weight gain, loss of hair, enormous shedding, an intolerance for cold and even seizure like activity. If your dog is showing any of these signs or behaviors, please call your vet right away. Your vet will need to examine your dog and begin any effective treatment right away. Consult with your vets Flat Rock, NC for more information.