At 5-9 months of age, a puppy will have already started teething. During such stage behavior such as chewing or any natural canine behavior when younger will intensify. Understand that this is an instinctive behavior and eliminating it will be difficult if not impossible. The best solution therefore is to provide your pup with a chew toy. There are plenty of chew toys on offer in the market today, make sure you choose the one that’s safe for your pooch to chew on. Positive reinforcement is key to effective discipline. Issuing a firm STOP command to your puppy when he starts to chew on the carpet, any of the furniture, or electric cord will signal to them that they’re supposed to refrain from doing those things. Never attempt to punish your dog as this will only instill fear and counterproductive to the training process. Should you have more inquiries about your dog’s behavior, don’t hesitate to consult with your vet clinic Bend, OR. Or click this link: https://www.bendvets.com/