Avoid punishing your pet dog if you see him licking something excessively. Your pet might be trying to tell you he is distressed or is attempting to soothe himself, and punishing him will just be counterproductive as it does not address the root cause of this habit. There are lots of reasons why dogs might lick, and the process to understand why this is so could be a complicated one. Instead, extend your patience when trying to find out why your pet licks too much. After you determine the root cause, you can implement measures to ease his discomfort. After removing the discomfort, then the licking should stop.
Below are several methods you can try to stop your pet dog from excessive licking:
●Offer a treat puzzle or a chew toy as a distraction. Or try using up all his nervous energy by engaging in playtime and other activities.
●Clean the surfaces that your pet licks. Sweat build-up, a spill from a few days ago, or various other contaminants could be the factor why your pet licks.
●Make some adjustments to your pet’s meals to ease nausea, clear up allergies, or soothe dry skin. All those could cause your dog to lick excessively.
●Be sure that your pet dog has a proper oral care routine. This is because gum infections or injuries to the soft tissues could trigger your to lick in an attempt to ease the pain.
●Manage joint issues and arthritis using the right medication. Or you can offer assistive appliances like bed heaters that ease aches or doggie stairs to make the sofa more accessible.
Your veterinarian Gresham, OR is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior. Schedule an appointment today!