Many people find it amusing when they see a dog jumping on other people or themselves as a form of greeting. But sometimes, it's not surprising if you will get annoyed or disgusted when you get your clothes all dirty or grimy brought about by the dog's jump. Jumping is a way for dogs to say "hi" to their pet owners or human counterparts because they can't really talk, of course. Dogs want to communicate and get a person's or pet owner's attention when the dog jumps on them. Dogs will even do another jump as a reaction when it hears "get down!" from the pet owner.
If you don't want to reinforce this jumping habit by your beloved furry canine friend, you can do several things to make him understand this, such as you can look away from your pet, you can ignore him, or turn your back on him.
Your veterinarian Marietta, GA is a valuable source of information about your pet’s behavior. Click here to learn more.