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How To Protect Your Dog Against Heartworms

Your dog can get heartworms through mosquito bites. An infected mosquito will bite your dog, and the heartworm larva will transfer to your dog’s bloodstream where it will multiply.

You can easily prevent heartworms from harming your dog. This is a better solution because treating heartworms is quite expensive and can also hurt your dog.

The heartworm prevention regimen can start when the dog is eight weeks old. Depending on the medication, it can be given every month, every six months, or once a year.

The vet may check for the presence of heartworms before starting the regimen, but this may not be as accurate because clinical symptoms don't appear in the early stage of infection. Owners often learn too late that their dog has heartworms when the larva has multiplied and started attacking the dog’s internal organs. By then the heartworm infection is difficult and expensive to treat. So it's best to prevent this from happening in the first place. You can ask your veterinarians New Orleans LA on how to effectively prevent heartworms, any time of the year.

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