As much as you’d like your cats to go with you on your different adventures, your cats might not always feel the same. They can be stressed and anxious when you are outdoors.
The good news, there are treats that can help your cats calm down. These calming treats start to work after 30-45 minutes after your cats have ingested them, so you need to give these to your cats right before you go on your tips.
It is advised that you give half doses only when trying out new calming treats to your cats. The remaining half should only be given as necessary and little by little.
Feliway, a synthetic cat pheromone, is also an excellent technique to help your cats calm down when going outdoors. This mimics calming scents that are soothing for your cats. That is why they can quickly reduce anxiety in your cats.
When your cat’s anxiety is not prevented by any of these techniques, you can always talk to their vet, so you can be properly advised with other techniques that you might not have tried yet.
Call your animal hospital Savannah, GA to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions. Click here.