Excessive quantities of food given and Incorrect food types are two of the top causes of obesity in dogs and cats. Also, a sedentary lifestyle with little to no physical activity can exacerbate the situation.
Useful information for pet weight reduction:
●Provide pet food that is of high quality and suitable to your dog’s or cat’s stage in life. It is not recommended for a dog and a cat to be sharing the same pet food. This is because cats are true carnivores whereas dogs are omnivorous. There is a difference in their nutritional needs.
●Be aware of how much food your pet eats daily. It is a good idea to have measured portions. If you regularly provide treats, be sure to include the calories from these treats when counting. Ideally, treats should only comprise 10% or lower of your pet’s caloric intake in total because treats are formulated to be a complete nutrition food.
●Help your pet use up calories and keep off unwanted weight by having regular physical exercise.
Your veterinary clinic Wake Forest, NC can help you in crafting an appropriate pet weight loss regimen. Learn more here.