You can find various muzzles in the pet store. Some are stylish, and some have practical designs. When you choose a muzzle, make sure that it allows your dog to pant freely, take treats comfortably, and drink water when needed. Don't forget to ask for advice from your veterinarian.
Here are some models that you can choose from:
A basket muzzle is considered one of the best choices. But for some reason, pet owners shy away from it because it is very noticeable. If you do choose this type, make sure that your dog can still pant easily while wearing it.
A mesh muzzle is mostly preferred, especially the softer style because it is less obtrusive. But this needs to be tight-fit to be effective, and your dog might feel overheated at some point. It is best to use this type for a short trip like a visit to the vet or the groomer.
A breed-specific muzzle refers to models like a sighthound muzzle. This is mostly used for breeds with long and thin snouts like Greyhounds and Whippets. On the other hand, there is no suitable muzzle for flat-faced dog breeds like French Bulldogs and Pugs.
Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Lewisville, TX.