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How Long Should You Wait to See Your Vet About Your Pet Cat?


Deciding how long you have to wait before bringing your pet cat over to your vet will depend on your pet. This means that you as the human companion need to have a certain level of familiarity with your pet’s distinctive behaviors and habits. There are cats that are very fastidious and skipping perhaps one or even two meals might not something to be overly concerned with. Then some cats eat less after having a vomiting episode from perhaps a hairball, ingestion of plant material, or other reasons. Should your cat, without any possible reason, not eat for about 24 to 36 hours even with normal water intake, it is recommended to take your pet over to the veterinarian for a checkup.

Pet cats that have chronic respiratory issues might often have times where their appetite levels are reduced because of nasal congestion. Cat owners whose pets exhibit the mentioned habits are probably going to wait a little longer before visiting their vet because their pet occasionally skipping mealtimes is not strange behavior.

Your vet Dallas, GA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.



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