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How Long are Cats Like the British Shorthair Pregnant?

If you’re planning to breed your feline, make sure you talk to your vet first to learn how long cats are pregnant and what you should expect during your cat’s pregnancy. There are additional steps that your vet may recommend to help keep your cat healthy during her pregnancy as well. Most British Shorthairs have a gestation period of about nine weeks. Some start showing physical and behavioral changes soon after they become pregnant. If you’re not sure if your cat is pregnant, please give your vet a call and schedule a routine exam. Your vet will be able to verify if your cat is pregnant and possibly identify how far along she is. It’s important to know that your female cat will most likely go into heat when the days become longer and the weather grows warmer. If you don’t want your cat to become pregnant take note of the season or consider having your cat spayed by your veterinarians Columbia MD.

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