Even though several flea species could jump much higher, the fleas that commonly infest pet cats and dogs around the world can leap a distance of around 48 centimeters or 19 inches.
These tiny insects have feet that function as triggers, releasing enough energy to power their super jumps. Experts have estimated that fleas could leap around 150 - 200 times as long as their bodies. Or in human terms, if you are 7’3” tall and are gifted with similar leaping abilities, you could jump over Empire State Building’s tip.
Therefore, the flea’s jumping prowess becomes something to be concerned about if you own pets, seeing fleas jump around grass or other dogs in the park scratching themselves. Although odds are, your pets will get fleas from the surrounding areas instead of from other pets.
Interesting fact: once a flea catapults itself off, it will start tumbling rapidly during that leap, rotating across the air.
Consult your veterinarian Washington DC about the best way to eliminate fleas from your pet and for protection from future infestations. Set an appointment here : https://metrodcvet.com/.