Hydration is an important aspect of your pet’s health. Deficiency in water intake can lead to many health problems. Ironically, drinking too much water can lead to serious problems for your pets. Over-hydrating can be caused by psychological, behavioral, or medical problems. All of which are dangerous to your pet.
Because of the increase in the frequency and amount of urination (polyuria), drinking too much water (polydipsia) can be stressful for your pet’s urinary system. Such condition is known to be caused by diabetes mellitus, liver disease, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism.
Make sure to keep a keen eye on your pet’s water intake and urination. Any frequent irregularities should warrant a quick visit to the veterinarian to have it diagnosed. Do not underestimate the condition, the longer you consult about it the higher the risk of serious complications. Visit the nearest pet clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL to have your pet checked the soonest.