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How Carrier Cats Spread Cat Flu

Cat flu is a viral disease that can be transferred from one cat to another. What’s more, unvaccinated cats are highly likely to catch cat flu. This type of flu can cause death in younger cats.

An infected cat can transfer the flu when she sneezes or coughs. The droplets that contain the virus mix into the air. When a healthy cat inhales these droplets, the virus will then affect her.

Experts advise that as soon as your cat shows flu-like symptoms, you should separate her from the other pets in the household. Do not mix her bowls with the other pets to avoid contamination.

Two known viruses bring about cat flu. One is the Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR) and Feline Calicivirus (FCV). Cats that contract any of these viruses are likely to become carriers. This condition refers to the cat carrying the virus but not showing any symptoms.

Cats with FVR can transfer the virus to other pets only when they shed the virus. On the other hand, cats with FCV can infect other pets continuously. FCV carriers can infect more cats, especially those without vaccination.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your nearest veterinarians Kerrville TX.

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