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Household Cleaning Products That Are Toxic To Pets

The easiest method to determine whether cleaning items are safe to use near dogs is to read the packaging thoroughly. Pet owners should avoid the following components because they could harm dogs, cats, and other animals.

· Bleach - a substance that has a strong odor and is quite alkaline. It can lead to respiratory issues, including wheezing and coughing when breathed. Bleach exposure can cause corrosion of the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, and stomach lining in pets. Avoid using bleach as much as possible. However, if you must use bleach, ensure that you thoroughly rinse the area with clean water before letting it air dry. Your pet should be kept in a different room where they are out of the way while you are using bleach.

· Glycol ethers - are present in many household cleaners. Unfortunately, when consumed or breathed, they are highly poisonous. They may also irritate the skin and eyes and result in allergic responses. Glycol ethers are also connected to anemia, renal damage, and developmental disorders.

You should never use these chemicals around pets, children, and babies.

Your veterinarian Carmel Valley can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet. Read more here.

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