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Hot Spots in Dogs


Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are small regions of skin irritation and bacterial infection. A hot spot will frequently start as a tiny red patch that owners may mistake for an insect bite. Unlike an insect bite, a hot spot can swiftly intensify and spread, transforming into a hot, red, oozing, and painful sore.

Scratching, licking, or chewing the afflicted region frequently causes them to flare up. Inflammation and subsequent bacterial infections arise from the ensuing skin damage. Unfortunately, this self-trauma makes the area itchier, resulting in a self-sustaining cycle of itching and scratching. As a result, any condition that causes your pet to scratch has the potential to produce a hot spot.

Dogs that are not regularly maintained and have filthy and matted coats, as well as dogs that swim or get exposed to rain, are more likely to develop hot spots. Furthermore, dogs suffering from hip dysplasia and anal sac illness may frequently lick the skin on their back end. The most often afflicted breeds are those with thick coats and long hair.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your vet clinic Virginia Beach, VA.

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