Grooming is an essential part of a dog’s routine. Grooming keeps him healthy and clean. It also keeps dogs safe from harmful microorganisms and prevents them from developing certain skin conditions. It is a good idea to groom your dog at home personally. However, if you are having a hard time, hiring a professional to groom your pet is always acceptable. Groomers use the most common tools to keep the coat shiny and healthy-looking. These tools are rubber brush, brush, and comb. They may sound like they have the same purpose, but they don’t.

Specific brushes are used depending on the coat length and type. Aside from the brush, dogs with different fur coats also use different products. Dogs with long coats usually use the half fine-tooth comb and de-matting brush ate the primary tools used. On the other hand, dogs with short coats primarily use a rubber brush and a de-shedding tool and finish off with a comb.
Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your pet clinic Lowell, MI.