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Heartworms In Dogs

One critical condition that affects dogs is heartworm disease. Mosquitoes serve as the main vectors of heartworms. The parasites are carried by the insect and get spread through their bites. These parasites then attack the infected dog’s lungs and heart, causing persistent vomiting and coughing. Unexplained loss of weight and difficulty in breathing are also other symptoms that a dog has heartworm disease. Canine organ failure can happen even with just one heartworm, and this can cause sudden death. An infected dog will not usually show signs at the beginning, and often the condition has progressed to something critical when symptoms start to appear. Therefore, preventing heartworms is the best way to deal with the parasite. Regular veterinary checkups should also be done. Your vet should help you craft a year-long parasite prevention routine as your pet reaches 8 weeks old. Also, keep your surroundings clean so that mosquitos will not breed and thrive.

Consult your vet Gresham, OR about the best way to protect your pet against heartworms and other parasites. Click here for additional details.

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