Heartworms can infect pets through a mosquito bite. Cats are not susceptible to heartworm infection like their canine counterparts because heartworms do not last long in a cat’s body. However, cats are still at risk of getting heartworm disease. Common symptoms usually affect the cat’s respiratory system, such as coughing and vomiting. An infected cat may also experience loss of appetite, breathlessness, or weakness. When heartworm dies inside a cat’s body, toxins enter the bloodstream that causes inflammation of the lungs, which eventually leads to lung damage and death. Prevention is the best medication for heartworm infection. Pet owners can administer topical and oral treatments to pets. However, consult first your veterinarian to determine the best treatment suited for your cat as the purchase of medications usually requires a prescription issued by a doctor. Bring your pet to your best animal hospital Bucks County, PA regularly for preventative care against heartworms.