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Head-Tilting In Rabbits Could Be Caused By A Parasite


Encephalitozoon Cuniculi is a parasite, a protozoan. and it can infect rabbits resulting in a serious disease that causes seizures and head tilts. An infected rabbit’s urine can transmit the pathogen to uninfected rabbits. Humans can also become pathogen carriers if their immune systems are compromised. The pathogen could live in a rabbit without actually causing illness, but when the animal becomes stressed or ill, then that protozoan activates and can then damage the body’s main organs like nervous system tissues which then cause the indicative head tilting and seizures. In several cases, the treatment could control the symptoms causing the rabbit to switch back as if all is normal, however, if the animal’s nervous system has already had extensive damage, then the rabbit could have that head tilt and seizures for life. Any abrupt changes that you notice with your pet’s behavior and/or health should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Louisville, KY. Visit the website.



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