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Harmful Substances for Cats

Cats are usually cautious creatures. They study carefully by smelling any food offered to them. Despite this, they could go wrong at times. Here are some foods that you should watch out for when feeding your cats:

Caffeine. Caffeine found in coffee, tea, or pills can be harmful to cats when ingested in significant amounts. Chocolates also contain caffeine, especially the darker ones. Caffeine can cause seizures, muscle spasms, abnormal heartbeat, and even death.

Dairy. Just like dogs, cats are also lactose-intolerant. Milk also contains casein that interrupts nutrient absorption.

Medications. You have to be careful in giving medications to cats. They are sensitive, so not all meds for animals are safe for them. You have to make sure that your meds are out of their reach to prevent harmful events.

Any concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your veterinarians Seminole FL.

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