English Foxhounds have a black, tan, and white coat. And with their signature hanging ears and a stern, carried-up tail, you'll surely recognize them easily. Belvoir Gambler, considered the greatest dog to represent the breed, was described as one of the graceful and strongest dogs.
Although they are not as popular as other companion breeds, joggers, runners, and even horseback riders will surely have a great time hanging out with English Foxhounds. Aside from their intelligence and courage, these dogs can also run far distances even without breaks. Overall, these dogs are known for their excellent sense of smell, determination, and high stamina.
However, you may need to consider some advantages with regards to their personality. Although they indeed have what it takes to run in marathons, their good sense of smell can also distract them, making them get off the track and follow the scent instead. For more information on that consult vet clinic Kerrville TX.