Are you a goat owner? Do you have goats for fun? Are you planning to eat them? Or are you hoping to milk them? Like cows, different breeds of goats are good for different things. Some goats are excellent sources of meat while other goats are great for milking. One breed for milking is the Oberhasli GOAT. This goat is said to have the best tasting goat’s milk in that it tends to taste more like cow’s milk. In addition, the Oberhasli’s milk has a butterfat content of 3.5 to 4 percent. Owners say that it is also a sweeter milk and is recommended for making cheese, yogurt, ice cream and other dairy products. Other breeds that do well for milking include the Nubian, LaMancha, Alpine, Toggenburg, Saanen, Sable, and the Nigerian Dwarf goat. Learn more about milking goats here or contact your vet Derby.