Does your dog enjoy digging? If so, you may find it challenging to try and garden around him. Fido has been known to tear up a few garden beds!
One thing that may help is dividing your yard up into areas. Deer fencing will work very well for this, and is easy to install. Set aside one area for Fido, and another for your plants. It will also help to make sure that your pet is getting lots of exercise and playtime.
You'll also want to keep your canine pal in mind as you arrange your garden. Put delicate plants in the middle of your beds, and surround them with thicker plants or borders. For borders, you can use things like plant pots, raised beds, shrubs, or even statues.
Finally, be sure to stick with pet-safe plants. You can find a full list of safe and unsafe options online at the ASPCA site here.
Ask your animal hospital Teller County, CO for additional information.