Are you considering a flea collar for your Chihuahua? Some owners have found past flea collars to be more trouble than they are worth. For instance, the collars seemed to attract fleas instead of repelling them. The collars also didn’t last or hold up very well. However, flea collars have come a long way over the years. If you’re interested in using a flea collar on your Chihuahua, talk with your vet first. Flea collars are simple to use and last anywhere between 3 to 8 months. You may want to ask your vet for suggestions on what brand, size, and type of flea collar to buy. In general, the flea collar releases a defense mechanism on the neck and shoulder area of your dog. This drives the fleas to the tail where they die and fall off. Consult with your pet clinic Portland, OR to make sure your Chihuahua is an appropriate weight for a flea collar.