Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is a condition in cats that severely affects their bladder or urethra. The most prominent symptom of FLUTD is difficulty urinating which results in elimination problems. Cats excessively lick their butt and undergo behavioral changes such as urinating consistently in inappropriate places other than the litter box. Pet owners will also notice their cats have increased urination frequency, urinating in small amounts, or have blood in the urine. An underlying cause of FLUTD is a urethral blockage which results in the cat passing little or no urine at all, thereby causing awful pain. Other conditions that cause FLUTD include bladder inflammation, bladder polyps, crystals in the urine, and bladder cancer. FLUTD is a life-threatening disorder and needs prompt medical attention once signs of urination problems become present.
A sudden change in your pet’s litter box habits should warrant a visit to your best animal hospital Peterborough, ON.